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But since that spans most possibilities that probably doesn't help much. If it weren't for the frequency of how often you guys have gotten together I'd just assume he was a player. But he has put in a lot of effort so who knows.
not jailbait
just a down to earth person i love the outdoors and musi.
About the violence, he lost his temper once and went a little too far, but other than that the only major incident has been punching a hole in the wall. Both were years ago and we've had insane fights since, with no sign of violence or aggression.
Secondly, the only flirting I ever did with User was that message I sent back in response to hers. And I sure as hell NEVER went on any dates with her. I have no idea what her real name is, where she lives (hell, even if she's in the same city or country as me), or anything else about her.
is that her MOM on the right ?????
"2010 11 14"
technically since she doesn't have clothing on her shoulder she might be topless to say the least... more please! >.
Should have been HP
Doesn't mean I've let on anything. My personal details remain personal as she sifts through downtown with my every upload flirtatiously demanding I reveal myself!
bnice: Thank you - and you are very nice :) Also, you picked this early on as a "winner", so thanks for that, too!
I've heard that cold approaching has about a 2% success rate for normal dues. If you're a master PUA, it goes up to 10%.
This girl is very nice!
Everyone check this chick out she is smokin...... also these girls are hot too #30927
I think the distance plays a big part, but also the lack of visceral physical attraction. This is the' honeymoon' stage. It doesn't sound like you're that attracted to her tbh. Some will say wait it might change, but I don't think it's worth it. You should feel excited about the person imo. I feel like people that never feel this about their partners and slip into the comforting stage of love would be more prone to looking outside the relationship or if they're really disciplined, just never be fully satisfied and maybe not even know why. Like a declawed housecat looking out the window
Pffft, you know what? Call it what you want. I'm calling it making a mistake and learning from it.
I know it sounds silly, but since that text, she has defriended me from our social networking site. I'm clueless as to why she is so worked up like this.
Been trying to meet for over a month and just a waste of time to be honest. Even if you are respectful and polite, very unprofessional responses either always busy or probably just doesnt want to meet for no reason. Unfortunately, good looks not worth much without good attitude.
2 got it going on
Is there really a good reason to not know her just because I'm interested in more than friendship if possible? I say the answer is no.
Yes, but you stay that like strictly sex between individuals is a BAD thing! If you are able to make that kind of detachment, you can get away with a lot of fun. I never thought I'd be interested, but I got talked into it by a SO, and it was a great time.
After tonight I'm starting to accept much of the advice that has been given. You can't save someone who doesn't realize that there's a problem. You can't talk to someone who twists your words and tries to make you feel like the bad guy. Can you believe she's attacking ME? WTF? I've got the patience of Mother Theresa, but I will not be made to feel like I'm a winy b*tch when I've done NOTHING wrong and she's done the WRONGEST thing one can do in a relationship. Can you believe she asked me "how long is it going to take you to get over this?" Can you believe that after I said "even if I were having second thoughts about our relationship, I would NEVER go sleep with some girl" she responded "why don't you go F*CK someone then?" So I hang up, she calls me over and over till I pick up to see if the other side of the dual personality will come out... and there it is, she's crying, saying how sorry she is, how deeply she loves me, just words that fall on deaf ears. Sorry, but my memory spans longer than 2 minutes, I still remember talking to the monstrous B*TCH just 2 minutes ago!! You know what I call that? Borderline personality disorder. She's definitely got it.
"01 25 2008"
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tummyfan will love this, I know I do. I'd say 5'1" 95lbs