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A person who believes that a low attraction will grow and get better AFTER marriage clearly has no business even thinking about marriage. Quite the opposite is often true. What a disaster waiting to happen!
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But maybe the only way to deal with it is not to worry about her possible disloyalty. And give her my 100% trust till anything actually happens.
She clearly said she'd rather you not reply so I think your looking to deep into it. She was just apologizing from what I can tell, I don't think she's looking for anything from it. Send her a reply that says "I appreciate the apology, I hope you have been well" and leave it at that
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Of course, he has every right to not like or be interested in any of me. I'm not everyone's cup of tea. Doesn't stop it from hurting my pride, of course.
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This is what happened. I was married in October and right before the wedding my husband's friends threw him a bachelor party. They told us that it was just going to be a big party with all his friends, but later it turned into a hotel room with a stripper. She was fully naked and grinding on him while he was directed to smear lotion all over her breasts and and lick whipped cream off her body. His friends bought him this type of lap dance 4 times. He was honest with me and told me all the details, but I'm so disgusted by the whole thing that I'm still very upset. I feel cheated on and so humiliated when I see his friends that witnessed the event. I know he's wishes it hadn't happened, but I'm still so angry. How do I let this go? It's so painful for me.
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