While vacationing with her family in Hong Kong, she notices a company yacht owned by the Mishima Zaibatsu. To obtain the money to fund the invention, Xiaoyu entered the King of the Iron Fist Tournament 5 to win the prize money. This encourages Xiaoyu to view Heihachi as something of a grandfather figure. Her signature hairstyle is two pigtails. The only human character to be younger than 18 in the game, Xiaoyu was created out of the result of the Tekken 3 team wanting a younger girl in the game.
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Ling Xiaoyu is a Chinese teenager with black hair. Typical of a person of her size and build, Ling Xiaoyu is not strong in regards to the damage inflicted by her moves. Xiaoyu was going to try and stop Jin herself, but the Zaibatsu pushed towards militarization, making it difficult to approach Jin. On assignment from the Minister of Defense, the two undertake a mission….
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