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If I had to choose, I'd date 10 years older. Ideally the man I end up with will be less than five years older than me. I have no issue dating younger but I don't like the crap labels I might get for dating younger. Most men are too close minded and selfish for seriously dating an older woman. I'd bang a hot younger man though, chances are I look younger than them anyway!
Dude you sort of know her you could have just talked to her and now you have goofed it up!
And I think your anxiety is a sign of a deeper fear, issue, perhaps of failing or being dumped, abandoment, etc. Perhaps see a therapist about this before you push her away.
I'm never looking for an excuse and don't really care about people's internal problems. All I stated was that some BS aren't very nice people in general. They can be terrible spouses, neglectful, untrustworthy friends/relatives, etc. I think when it comes to cheating, the whole relationship and the two people involved should be examined rather than being completely on the BS's side unless the WS was selfish from the beginning.