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Me: I'm just really starting to like you and I don't want to get the slow fade.
* bit
We GET that you wouldn't cheat. Good for you. It's not rocket science to know the difference between right and wrong. But to make all kinds of ridiculous assumptions about betrayed spouses - and assuming to know how they all think or behave - is just silly.
It's target practice!
I feel great, we both have been spending time (perhaps way too much time?) together for the past couple days or so.
I think the idea of your asking to also bring a friend is great. Just grab anybody from your dorm floor or a class. That makes it the "Let's go Dutch!" suggestion even more acceptable and avoids creating any sense of future obligation for any of you.
Other than this garbage our relationship is fine, any insight?
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You don't. You will forever be known as third date gift guy...
Wow, OTT, you're on to something here! (y)
I'm 5' 7", brn hair, blue eyes, 165 lbs, and I'm looking for that final match. I'm issue free, and easy going, I'm a don't believe in arguing, it's just a waste of time, kinda guy. We'll come to an.
Uh, this. That's grounds for telling her to take a hike. Seriously, that's unacceptable and disrespectful. She's practically sexting a dude, then blowing it off after getting caught and making a joke of it.
Do you think it might help if you were open with her, and tried to make her realise just how much of an effect this has had on you....?
Reminder: today's comment page is #864451
How about this? Write a list about your current priorities and take the next week and two to work on them. Write down the most important thing first, being looking for a job, followed by working on yourself, and etc, with the relationship being last. You'll realize that after the two weeks, you'll notice less stress about the relationship.
I wouldn't take what someone tells you at face value for one simple reason: people lie. People lie in particular to save face and avoid conflict. Of course men are going to say, "yes dear, I don't look at other women, watch porn or think about anyone but you". Duh! It's what we do. We tell women what they want to hear to maintain a civil relationship. Seriously, if people were truly honest with each other, most relationships probably wouldn't work.
I agree. I think because of historical attitudes (and also as a result of certain studies with outcomes that interpret promiscuity negatively) certain stereotypes attach to people who've had a lot of sexual partners. Most particularly to women. People will often assume that a woman who's had a lot of sexual partners has one/some/all of the following:
Thanks LuckyDog, suppose my problem is I don’t feel very confident or comfortable around men in general, I haven’t really had a lot of experience round them, I have had previous relationships and have done a few blind dates which are no problem but always fear running out of conversation and boring them rigid at first, a mere lull in conversation makes me feel like running away & I do ask querstions. I fear a lot of conversation topics natural to females many males find completely boring and switch off to and the other way round, you can’t help the way your brain is built! I am quite nervous about going on a second date on Wednesday for fear of running out of conversation and he is very intelligent, I am not sure if I talk too much or not enough but I would seriously like not to blow it. I am also probably one of these shy people who you can never tell how they feel by body language as always keep it under wraps through feeling slightly inadequate. If I made the first move I would hate for it to go terribly wrong as not sure if my self esteem would recover that quick, though guess if it all backfired it would probably be ok as at least on a blind date thankfully I would never have to face them ever again though do appreciate rejection in dating is part of the process.
I'm searching for a man who has a lot of patience, is very gentle, and will always be kind. I am very loving and accepting. I've been living on my own for a while now. I love my work and it keeps.
Yeah, don't be so available for activities with little or no notice. Act like your time is more valuable than that. Have plans made sometimes. He has you basically at his whim and that is not to your benefit.
Myab23, oh my - It could be me writing your post, it really could! everything you say I have practically felt or done. The whole being annoyed during the day and then taking it out on them in the evening - I am ashamed to say that I have done this on quite a few occassions. The poor guy has no idea why or what's happened.
iloveyounggirls: Find a new source. See how old these doops are that you uploaded? #49481 #1170 #8456 #11194 Your source is bad. More of the same and you'll be banned from uploading.
Names Ryder and I'm 21 years of age. I'm a firefighter and work as a CNA and as a Welde.
I was never meant to fit in but I was born to stand ou.
Hi.looking for soulmate enjoy life to it fulles.