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We did have a talk about being girlfriend and boyfriend fairly on (about 2 weeks in from memory) but we never actually said anything about being exclusive and not seeing anybody else, I guess it was just assumed. We actually met in the same course we were studying (not the one he is doing now though) so we actually saw each other a lot during the week, even before we had ANY sort of feelings for each other (for about 2 months). It was just implied and assumed we were not dating anybody else I guess. I've never had any reason to doubt him and I know he doesn't doubt me either in that area.
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Long story short: been dating a girl for a few months, at one point during this she hung out one-on-one with one of her friends, who is also close friends with her brother. During this, he proceeds to kiss her, she pushes him away. She tells me a few weeks after it happened.