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If I was in his shoes, i'd rather not know, tbh. If it was way in the past, why put any kind of 'label' on it ? Especially if it wasn't anything serious and theres 0 reason to believe it would ever come up again..
My girl and I have not been getting along lately. We have been going out for 1 yr and 4 months. I am 19 and she is 18. We have had a lot of problems due to her immaturity I believe. I feel sometimes that she has never really matured and is still acting sometimes like she is 14. When we have problems, she just wants to get off the phone and will bad mouth me until i give in. Some of the things she does is so obvious that it is her prolonging the bad situation and she just makes it worse by acting more childish and throwing "fits" until I get SO frustrated and wish I was dead at the moment so I wouldnt have to put up with it. I just CAN'T understand why she just cant work with me to not argue so much and to get them over with if we do. Its almost like she likes to keep the arguments going. I honestly believe that about 90% of arguments are due to her behavior and how she acts so clueless sometimes. I am not the only one that notices this, and my friends (and also hers) say I dont deserve being treated like this. The problem though is that I LOVE her and we can have some very nice times together. I am also a person that has a hard time with change, so sometimes I think that is it. I would appreciate everyones opinion, no matter how harsh. I get real depressed, and its just so terrible I think how she acts like this, but I love her and want everything to work out.
Hi.im 5feet 9inches 210lbs blue eyes brown hair if you want to know more about me ask away and best of luck P.S. NOT LOOKING FOR FWB OR NSA CRAP p.s.s. MUST HAVE A WEBCAM TO TALK TO ME TIRED OF FAKE.
I have asked her if she ever cheated on her ex. She said she had her opportunities but never did. I believe her.
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Tuna ... it sounds like you guys had a great connection to start out with, but you may have blown this one. Personally, my amber alert would have gone off. I've learned quickly that guys who can't control their control panel leads to some unhappy endings. Maybe she'll let this one slide and you'll hear from her but I'd be surprised (especially if she is a more seasoned dater who has healthy self-respect).
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