Gorgeous cinematography, direction, colors, lighting, and environments build up the amazingly thoughtful script and the incredibly subtle acting performances of the two leading ladies. It's A Wonderful Life 7. I believe the disk description actually says it's not supposed to be sold outside of the UK or Ireland so I'm really not sure why is even available for purchase. Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche. Blue is the Warmest Color is a sometimes joyful, sometimes heartbreaking, exploration of identity and the sacrifices necessary to achieve that.
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Which movie should you see on Christmas with your family? This is a very faithful adaptation of Julie Maroh's graphic novel Blue Is the Warmest Color with the exception of the ending, which I will not spoil. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Although a few scenes are rather explicit, it is definitely not tasteless and does intrude on the story.
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I don't agree with much of the above, too many assumptions without knowing this individual and unique man. Sure, he could be making excuses for pulling back. Or he sincerely likes you and is interested but doesn't want to rush into anything too quickly. If you are into him, you could assume positive intentions, spend time with him and see what develops between you.
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