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I don't know how anyone can believe this kind of stuff will ever work out. They're basically just seeing how much they can get by with as opposed to investing in a relationship with their SO. Best to just steer clear if you're relationship oriented.
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What does she like to do? Pick something that she will enjoy and have some fun together... Your idea to do something together on an "activity date" is a good one... I once heard it said that it's by doing something together that you begin to really bond with your partner, and I think there is merit in that idea.
10. That It has never just been sex for him, and did I think he would pursue me so long and travel so often to see me just for that
But what prompted me to go out was a rejection from a girl I went out with this past weekend. She had finally gotten back to me saying that she thought I was "a really nice guy but no chemistry".
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So that's what it's like getting into a clown car...
talking to us isn't going to do any good, you gotta talk to him and tell him you're not happy with a text message based relationship. he'll either agree and make more time for calls and meetings, or not and that'll be the end of it.
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