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In my book that's emotional exploitation. If someone knows what a great person you are and truly values you and your well-being, she will not subject you to her angst & melancholy when she knows that she's not going to do anything to move out of them. She's stuck in limbo, so you should be too? This is not how one shows another respect and consideration. If she's so helpless and lacking in self-awareness that she's not even aware of what she's doing to you, you won't be able to help her see the light. If she's so self-absorbed that the fact that she's taking advantage of your love for her doesn't bother her, you still won't be able to help her see the light. In fact, I very much doubt that you will be able to help her see the light under any circumstances. Say the two of you maintain a "friendship" -- would she be able to deal with you dating other women? If you got serious about someone would she be supportive and happy for your happiness, or would she try to sabotage your new relationship? For that matter, could you handle her dating other men? Getting serious with someone else? I don't think you really want to subject yourself to what she's offering. What would you get out of it? And ultimately, what will she get out of it -- besides your technical assistance -- if you allow her fears & doubts to define your relationship? Maybe the one meaningful gift you could give her would be to refuse to play her game, to refuse to validate her screwed-up approach to relationships & her emotions.