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Don't get your hopes up! Sometimes, people who are hurt in previous relationships will seek emotional comfort with no intention of reciprocation or commitment. I say, help her if you must and offer support, but please do not enter this friendship with expectations. She may categorize you as the rebound guy or, even worse, treat you the way her ex did. Good luck!
There, fixed it for ya.
I am concerned that he told me he wouldnt speak with her anymore, and knew that he would. To me, he misrepresented information with full awareness. I consider this a lie, he says he did nothing wrong.
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If I was with a man and I could handle not being #1 right off the bat then I would just stick by him and be the best GF he could have. Support him and treat him how I would want to be treated.
What does it matter whether she acknowledged or not? You wanted them to stop talking, so leave it alone now. When my last ex wanted to stop being friends, I didn't even acknowledge his message and don't plan on it because I'm not going to dignify him with a response after wasting so much of my time.
Or maybe he doesn't feel like you think he's a hottie (but I'm sure you do) so by telling you that all these girls want him, he can coerce you into thinking he's hot...
Rationally? You sure about that? Sounds like you WANT to believe the crap he is feeding you, but the evidence at hand (or what you have presented so far) does not lead to a logical conclusion that his actions will cease.
You also need to read posts from lonely people who have never had the love of someone like your husband, and spouses who have been cheated on, on this web site and IVillage. Read A LOT of them. Let what they say really sink in. I think the choice will be easier...
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Sometimes guys don't realize what there doing affects us a certain way. It's best to ask questions first, before making assumptions.
i really need to quit lying to myself by saying, "just one more then I'll go to bed..."
Before I met him I had a horrible break-up with my ex-boyfriend who grew up in the same neighborhood that I did. I did not want to go back home initially; hence my willingness to move into the new boyfriends life. I find myself missing my family and friends more and more. I used to have a lot of friends, and self-confidence. I go home every couple of months and I am happy to be there. If I did not miss my boyfriend so much when I am there I would not come back, but I do. It is undeniable how much I love him.
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She called me up like 6 months later but I don't know why.
To me it sounds like he wants your commitment while not putting anything to the relationship himself...