This anime follows the lives of two female assassins who embark on a journey seeking answers to their past. Years pass by and Brandon gains loyalty in the syndicate, he uncovers the truth of the organization, which causes him to take drastic measures to ensure the safety of the one he loves! Sister Rosette from Chrono Crusade is a young nun who isn't afraid to employ some firepower as an aid to exorcising demons. Set apart from the main storyline, Sword Art Online Alternative: With a gun being the protagonist's weapon of choice, Black Cat is the ideal shounen series for those seeking a healthy mix of comedy and action. Bishamonten from Noragami wields a similar version of this Colt handgun, the M Taking place in South America and starring an enigmatic ex-convict with an affinity for firearms, Manglobe's original anime is the perfect companion piece to Madhouse's Black Lagoon.
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Taking place in Italy, an organization called the Social Welfare Agency, rescues young children from their death beds at hospitals granting them a second chance in life. While precious little beats a life-or-death standoff between two experienced gunslingers who are equally determined to see another sunrise, competitions focusing on toy guns can also be rather fun!
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He has no power over who calls him, unless he asks them to do so. If you don't trust him, get rid of him.
I was in the same boat as this girl.....wanting to feel loved soooo badly that you let it go further, so that for 20 min. you feel good. It doesnt make you a slut. Esp. since she, like me, probably felt bad about it afterwards....which makes the depression worse btw.
OUR relationship shouldn't be affected by her, and by and large, it isn't.
More than cute
I like older women .
Righty's cute. Cropping could have helped this bigtime.
well. U said she was a girl you like. but u're afraid that it's a little too much if you were to sing her a birthday song. are u planning to tell her u like her? or u just like her as a friend?
Give me some grandchildren already.
Love it all
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Met girl online, supper attractive. We text, (everyday, but only 2 or 3 times)
Agreed, went through a period of working back to back 90-100 hour weeks for almost a year several years back, and still made time for dates. Unless she's working -that- much, she's just letting you down.
You need to get away from this guy and fast!
So I guess I would just go NC on her again. You can expect a few more days to go by and get another contact from her that says something like "For someone who says they're really into me, you sure give up easily." To which the correct response is, "for someone who professes to be receptive to my advances, you sure do a terrible job showing it" and then just leave it like that until she reaches out again. When/if you do have an in person conversation say that you're not interested in playing games. You're looking for someone who is mature and wants the same thing you do. If that's not her, then you wish her well.