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Essentialism at 29.08.2018 at 16:24
I ask if he is going back to her, and he says I do not know what I want. I just want my space, and to be left alone to sort things out. He says this morning when I saw him that he thinks about all the great times we share all the time, and it makes him sad. What does that mean? I know he loves me, he says if he did not love me, that he would not be hurting like this. What do I do? He gave me a ring to promise me that one day he will marry me. Now all this has happened, and he says he does not love me as much as he use to, but I feel that alot of this would not come on just over the last week. He says I have turned possesive, almost demanding, that I am not the happy, independent person he fell in love with. I guess I might be calling him alot, when can I see you, what are you thinking, and when he talks to me like always, I am on the deffensive, and he feels like he can not even talk to me anymore. Help! I want us to be back to where we were prior to him letting his feelings out. He is so down, glummy, unemotional, I feel like I am unwanted. I am holding onto hope. He says I still have his heart, and that that is why it is hard. ANy suggestions. Sorry for being long, just a long story.
Cholones at 31.08.2018 at 05:13
I did not leave until I was strong enough to leave..... Even then he attempted to stalk & abuse me for almost a year.....
Nbackup at 03.09.2018 at 08:00
Regretfully, it isn't. Last three women I dated all expected similar treatment. All from different counties and different backgrounds. Seems the norm. from 28 - 39.
Razoo at 11.09.2018 at 07:53
Just wait.. why would you upset him for nothing?????
Crozzle at 14.09.2018 at 14:56
Perfect JB!
Jukes at 22.09.2018 at 06:18
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Tithers at 25.09.2018 at 14:12
You've been given serious, rational explanations. But you don't seem to understand what it means to have strong boundaries.
Myxomatosis at 02.10.2018 at 03:50
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Prasong at 07.10.2018 at 00:07
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Flics at 11.10.2018 at 10:50
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Fireless at 16.10.2018 at 22:34
I'm looking for financial arrangement I like to be pampered and spoile.
Stouring at 22.10.2018 at 05:01
Palation at 31.10.2018 at 04:27
hi am not that socially outgoing but wanted to change it and of course meet new great friend.
Stilton at 01.11.2018 at 12:00
Except that hat!